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  • 更新时间: 2019/5/5 15:58:24
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  1. How will Uncle Tom come?
  A. By motorbike.              B. By taxi.           C. By car.
  2.What are the speakers mainly talking about ?
  A. A museum                B. A garden.           C. A painting.
  3. What is the man going to do first?
  A. Sweep the floor.            B. Do the cooking.
  C. Remove the rubbish.
  4. What does the man think of his new computer?
  A.It’s quite expensive.          B. It is hard to use.      C. It is of good value.
  5. How many languages is the man learning now?
  A. One                      B. Two                C. Three
  6.What tap most of the room in the garden ?
  A. The flowers                  B. The Trees            C. The vegetables
  7. What does the woman have trouble with?
  A. The ants.                    B. The spiders.          C. The Mosquitoes.
  8. What does the woman’s husband want to drink?
  A. Orange juice.                 B. Hot milk.            C. Lemon tea.
  9. When does the woman want the drinks?
  A. At about 7:30 am.             B. At about 8:00 am .      C. At about 8:30 am.
  10. What is the man doing?
  A. Asking for advice.           B. Giving an interview.      C.Introducing her family.
  11. Who might the woman be talking to?
  A. A university student.          B. A school teacher.          C. A private researcher.
  12. What will the woman do tonight?
  A. Interview more people.            
  B. Choose another topic.             
  C. Prepare some questions.
  听第9段材料,回答第1 3至l 6题。
  13. What does the man thinseful about Kayak.com?
  A. To book at flexible dates.
  B. To compare different airlines.
  C. To choose nonstop flights.
  14. What do the man’s aunt and uncle care most about the flight?
  A. The time.               B. The price.                C. The stops.
  15. Where do the speakers probably live?
  A.In Philadelphia.          B. In Chicago.               C. In New York.
  16. On which day will the man’s sister get married?
  A. May 28th.              B. May 29th.                 C. May 30th.
  17. In which part of Minnesota will the storm start?
  A. The eastern part.         B. The southern part.          C. The northern part.
  18. When will the storm get to the East Coast?
  A. On Weekend.            B. On Friday.                C. On Thursday.
  19. How deep will the snow be in the mountains of New York?
  A. About four inches.        B. About eight inches.          C. About twelve inches.
  20. What should people pay the attention to?
  A. The high wind.           B. The low temperatures.        C. The heavy snowfalls.
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