2006年度专业硕士学位论文 学校代码:10269
院 系:教育科学学院课程与教学系
专 业:教育硕士(语文)
指导教师: 董蓓菲
申 请 人: 华晓燕
申请人学号: y03200972002
High school language textbook theme analysis
take love theme as example
Department: The education scientific institute curriculum with teaches the department
Industry: Educates master (language)
Research direction: Language culture and education
Instructs the teacher: Dong Bei-Fei
Application:Hua Xiao-Yan
Student number:y03200972002
【关键词 】高中语文 教科书 爱情题材
[Abstract] This article considers absorbs domestic and foreign about love education theory as well as the practice research newest achievement. Discussion based on now under world and time environment language study new form, Key asks for the present high school language teaching